Gawd, I love you all. I had no idea there was anyone here hwo loved it as much as me. neato!
A few comments: First, if you can't procure too many sauces where you live, check out I'm sure they ship pretty much anywhere, and for their hot sauces, they show scoville ratings so you can get a good idea of just how hot they are.
For those of you who "just can't take it", work your way up. I know if youhave stomach problems, you might not be able to do that, but a little bit every day might do it. I used to be able to take a lot of hot sauce punishment, but have not had access to them recently. The last time I "hit the bottle" I was floored. My mouth hurt for a long time and my stomach complained for a day. I used to live on that stuff and had not so much as a burnin burp! Just work your way into it. But, if your stomach really can't take it, I am deeply sorry. Hot sauce adds another dimension to foods, IMO. If you have to pay for it for hours after, don't do it. It's a shame.
For those of you who like a certain flvor, but need more kick, just mix! I used to mix bland sauces that had no bite with a few drops of Daves and Yowza! I got the best of both worlds. No rules against that!
BTW: skinnymofo: i love that stuff. I know it has a proper name...but at our house we call it cock sauce. Hey, there's one on the label!!!! Sheesh! What were you thinking?