Originally Posted by yellowchef
She should not force you, guilt you or badger you into going. As a reasonable adult she can say that religion is of utmost importance and it is something she wants you to convert to in order for you to continue being a couple. At this point you can decide to call it quits since you make it clear you are not into religion. She could also say that she understands your choice and not be mad at you anymore for not wanting to accompany her to Mass.
Perfectly stated.
If she wants to go to church, that's her choice. I can't believe she'd get mad at you if you don't want to go, knowing you're not religious, this isn't your church, etc. She basically wants you there as entertainment for her, entertainment that isn't as obviously disrespectful as an ipod in the services.
If she doesn't get enough out of it to endure going to services alone, then I'd venture to say she shouldn't go, or at least she should re-examine why she does go.
Yeah yeah, I can understand that perhaps she just enjoys your company so much that she wants you with her whenever possible, but church is kinda like classes, you're ostensibly there to learn. Shouldn't matter if your friends are in class with you or not.
I know church can be a community thing, a family thing, but after a lifetime of attending church 2-3 times a week from childhood to end of college (religious college at that, I ended up with a minor in Biblical Studies from all the extra bible classes we were required to take), I can say I never got anything like that out of it, which is surely a large reason why I no longer attend.