Originally Posted by xepherys
Since many religious folk feel abortion is wrong, I've started thinking a good deal about the nature of the bible and what it says and what many Christians, specifically, seem to say about such matters. The reason abortion is wrong, in their eyes, seems to be that it's against god's will, or that we are somehow disgracing the "divine spark" that creates life.
It isn't just life, its human life. Animals, in the bible, don't go to heaven. Plus it also has to do with the new testaments focus on youth as being closer to god than anyone else. Jesus was big on protecting the defenseless.
Originally Posted by xepherys
However, when a puppy is born, is this not the same divine spark? The spark of life? It seems to me that for this to be the case, animals would also have to have souls... something the bible says is not the case. At any rate, I digress... This argument is also used in regards to true human cloning. That it's an afront to god by way of us foregoing said "divine spark". What are your opinions?
With the cloning issue it seems to me that most arguments aren't against cloning in general, but only the cloning of humans. Any argument against cloning is more of a slippery slope argument at best.
Originally Posted by xepherys
Personally, I believe that all life has the same ethereal, intangible, spiritual base. Humans are nought but animals anyhow. I know many of you here are, like myself, no Christian, or even classified by a strict religion. However, I'd be interested to hear the thoughts and opinions of all of you, regardless of your particular religious viewpoint. As for cloning, I think that we are not foregoing anything. That by creating life one way versus another does not prevent it from being life. From a religious standpoint, if we CAN do it, god has allowed us to, and therefore it is his will. *shrug* But again, I have more spiritual, less god-based beliefs, so perhaps I'm missing a fundamental aspect here (though I am reasonably well versed in theology as it's a topic of interest to me).
That's great that you think all life has some ethereal/intangible base but without any evidence how can you say that? Evidence has to be more than something you 'feel' is true. And if life+spirit is no different than life then the +spirit is equal to zero.
"An object without predicates [identifying features] is no object to me" -Feuerbach
Argument, I think, can be summed as such:
1We can only do what god lets us
2God would only let us do good things
3We can cause an abortion
Therefore abortions must be good things.
A valid argument but not a sound one. There's plenty of scriptural evidence that we can do evil as well as good.
For a very long but interesting argument on abortion try googling Judith Thompson and her essay on why abortions should be legally allowed and are not immoral.