Originally Posted by mayaj
I am 26 years old and have been a moderately heavy drinker since high school. My parents and siblings are heavy drinkers, in fact, most people in my family are. I think my parents could be described as functional alcoholics in that I've seen them sloppy drunk more than a few times but it doesn't affect their work at all or their relationships (all that much).
What is 'all that much'? A few fights where punches are thrown? Or spouses going home angry after their SO's made fools of themselves? Think about how drinking has affected anyone you know, long term or short term, in their personal health and lives. Anyone die of esophagal cancer? bladder cancer or liver disease? Any divorces? DUI's?
Originally Posted by mayaj
I have always been a bit of a party girl and even took pride in my ability to drink colossal amounts of alchohol and outlast the rest of the guys. However, now that I want to start curbing my drinking I am realizing that I may have less control over it than I previously thought. In relationships I've usually taken a lot of flack from my boyfriends for drinking but never took them very seriously because I didn't care. I enjoyed partying very much and thought they were a little prusdish and controlling. However, now that I am in a serious relationship with someone I love I find that I can't stop drinking even for him.
How many times do we hear that one of the questions to decide if you are on your way to being an alcoholic is when the buzz is more important than love?
Originally Posted by mayaj
If we go out with our friends I reach a point where I can't be persuaded to go home. After finishing a bottle of wine, beer or drink I always want "just one more." I didn't used to black out but now parts of the evenings are starting to become hazy and I have started remembering things incorrectly or even making stuff up that didn't happen. I don't drink much alone and I certainly don't get drunk alone but this is starting to affect my health. I have hangovers for 2 days and sometimes even get rashes from going on benders.
That myth again about alkies being raging drunk 24/7, not able to function without a shot in their morning coffee and it's all downhill....Read Cyn's post a second and third time, please. Many alcoholics are binge drinkers and social drinkers. Don't drink much alone? Define 'much'.
Originally Posted by mayaj
After a particulary sauced Saturday night my boyfriend was so mad at me that I was shocked. Shocked because I've done stupid drunk things in the past (nothing too terrible) but as far as I was concerned I thought I had behaved relatively normally. He told me I couldn't even walk and I realized I couldn't remember coming home.
We've all done that. But he's been verbal before, yet you're 'shocked'?
Originally Posted by mayaj
don't want to quit drinking. I really really enjoy it. I would hate to become a full blown alcoholic, if only because it would mean that I would have to quit cold turkey. However, I need to find a way to cut down. My health is suffering as well as my career and relationship. It seems like after 1 drink I'm OK but after 3 or 4 drinks I lose the ability to say no to alcohol and want to drink till I explode. Does anyone have practical tips on how to cut down? My body and life can't keep up with my drinking any more . . .
You are more than a social drinker and in denial about it.
Now that I have put away the soapbox....
I drank a LOT in my 20's. Falling down drunk was not really frequent, but stupidity was. My last act of stupidity had me swearing off all booze for years-not being able to find my car in an empty parking lot, under the lamppost, then handing the keys to my equally drunk friend.
As stated, only you can decide or realize when you want or need the change-you're at the door, you just don't have the desire to open it and do what you know in your heart you have to do.
Check this out and do some contemplating:
Your post alone answers more than 3; 2 or more and you are an alcoholic.