Originally Posted by dksuddeth
how do you enforce that? That would put half of this country behind bars.
Now, now, dksuddeth, I know that you and the rest of the gun nuts are chomping at the bit for the revolution to begin, but you can't start your "re-education" camps just yet....
/deliberately misreading
To answer the question - you don't. By doing exactly what they're already doing, the TABC is forcing the bars to do a better job of self-policing, which they should be doing anyway. One of the parts of this story that keeps getting glossed over, mainly because it really doesn't qualify as "news", is that the TABC is ticketing the establishments for overserving people and serving minors. If the bar knows that they're going to get in trouble for overserving, which is against the law by the way, they aren't going to do it.