I had a livejournal for three years and in that time recieved maybe five or six comments on somewhere in the range of seven or eight hundred entries. This was fine for me most of the time, as it was something I did for myself, but at the same time a bit dismaying, as there was never really any sense of community.
That's why I have a journal here. I still write primarily for myself, to try to work things out because I think better when I write than I do when I just think. Writing is itself a way of thinking, because it forces you to organize your ideas coherently.
I do have to wonder, though, if the journal feature is really the best format for journals. The last community type forum I belonged to had an earlier form of V-bulletin that either didn't have journals or didn't have them enabled for bandwidth purposes. So they just had a forum for journal threads. Members would start a thread there to talk about their personal stuff, and it worked better than the dedicated journals here or on blog sites for the back and forth type of interaction.
On the other hand, while I do quite a bit of journal reading here, I don't post comments much, because it feels as if it's an invasion of the person's private space. I know that's not the case, that they simply wouldn't post entries if they weren't inviting feedback, but I've always been more than a little awkward when it comes to personal interaction, and still feel mostly that way even in commenting on others.