Originally Posted by Gatorade Frost
I strongly think that Men should have a right to choose, also, and that if a man can legally prove that he has the capacity to be a sufficient father to a child (or children) financially, mentally, etc. he can keep a woman from aborting his child.
I agree with you completely, but it will never happen because men will never be able to carry and give birth to children. That, in itself, is why women will always have free reign to get rid of fetuses at will, even the fetuses that, after birth, some partners would be willing to raise and take care of. Though you have to admit, I bet that's a pretty rare occasion.. in fact, I haven't met or heard of any men, other than in this story, that didn't want an abortion when the woman did... usually it's the other way around.
Anyway, this isn't meant to be an abortion post, I just thought Frost had a very interesting point about the lack of ethics in why Peter wasn't allowed any say whatsoever in the matter.