My father was a triplet, and his mother was a twin. His mother gave birth to those three triplets back in the 1940s, in Iceland, and went on to have 10 children in all. Don't give me bullshit about complications from a natural (non-fertility) multiple-conception.
I am all for pro-choice; people can do whatever things they want with their bodies, even if it's for entirely selfish reasons (as I view this case--and no, I don't think all cases are like this). I am sure a LOT of people use abortion for birth control when it was their own responsibility for getting pregnant in the first place, and I do judge that as being, well, stupid. But humans are humans, and we should be allowed to do what we need to do.
That said, I would NEVER go through with this, unless my death or severe dismemberment was IMMINENT. Jeeeeesus. If you ask me, her bad decisions started as soon as she went off birth control and decided to not take any precautions... WTF? Yeah, you really value your career and Manhattan lifestyle so much, that you can't even handle a condom during sex to protect that lifestyle? And you invalidate your partner's feelings to the point where, shit, I would have probably divorced this women if I were him... When you take the risk of getting pregnant, you take the risk of ALL that comes with it, multiple births or siamese or whatever the hell else comes out of you. If you can't handle that, get the FUCK on birth control, and stay there.
Goddamn this article pissed me off... I don't care if I seem closed-minded, feel free to tell me so, but goddamn.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran
Last edited by abaya; 03-27-2006 at 04:59 PM..