Originally Posted by BigBen
Run, don't walk away from this one...
Religion is serious shit to some people, and this girl is hoping that you will see the light and convet to her ethos soon.
Is that likely to happen? No? Then it is a deal-breaker. I can't believe that you sit through a service so that you can spend time with this girl.
Is she crazy in bed? Smoking hot? Your first? What in all that is holy are you sticking this out for? You need to find someone with similar interests, viewpoints and ethics. Religion is a deal-breaker, but I mentioned that already and you were paying full attention to me the first time.
If you were a prick, you could pretend to convert to get in her pants, but that is a real asshole thing to do and I am not an asshole. I do not endorse or condone that behaviour. I draw the line at wearing a fucking ugly sweater that was a gift.
my penny of advice.
That's about it. I've been through this with several girlfriends (Me being the devout atheist, and they being the devout Christian, mormon, whatever.) In the end, a person's religion will ultimately be more important than a relationship because it's their eternity they're toying with and finding some one who matches that will always ultimately be more important than what's going on with a boyfriend at the time.
I would say it's time to skeedaddle. If she can't accept your beliefs and your decision to not attend church or believe, then you're going to be in for a really uncomfortable relationship for a really long time.
I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, "I'm going to mop the floor with your face." I said, "You'll be sorry." He said, "Oh, yeah? Why?" I said, "Well, you won't be able to get into the corners very well."
Emo Philips