Originally Posted by MonomAnny
Well, Gale could be messing with Jack and Locke's heads to see what they will do next. Gale seems like the manipulative type that is for sure, trying to mess with everyone's comfort zone's.
Just joining the Lost crowd. I burned through season one last week and then DL'd season two this week and watched it. I can't believe it took me this long to get caught up with this show!
Anyway, I've little doubt at this point that Gale is an other. But...giving him the benefit of the doubt, if someone locked you in a room for three days with Crime and Punishment and a lot of people torturing you, I imagine you'd have a great deal of time to sit and think about how you might lash out at those responsible for your imprisonment if given the opportunity. Under those conditions, I see no reason why an otherwise normal person might show some much more serious malice.
If he is an other, though, his plot is ridiculous. The plan would've had to go something like, "I'm going to wander down into their territory. There's a chance I get caught, in which case I'll pretend to be Henry Gale and tell them [fill in story here]. Eventually I'll draw a map for them to come check my story out. I don't know how long this will take me or if it will happen, but make sure you have people stationed at the ambush point all the time until I come back in case I need you to take them hostage for an exchange. See you later!"
It may very well happen like that anyway, but I think it sounds pretty absurd, all things considered.