The journal is something that I've pondered on and off. I've often thought about starting one, cause I think it would be another way that I could contribute to this community. I probably won't start one now, but I'll keep it in mind and when I return to the board in January, maybe then I will start one.
I don't think that it makes me feel like I know members better by reading their journal entries, mostly because thats an area of the forum that I don't go to often. Sometimes if I click on a handle to check out someone's profile, I'll see that they've got a journal, and I'll be reminded that I've not checked out certain members journals recently.
I think the one thing that does help bring me closer to other members is the chat feature. I've had some good conversations with other members there.
I do keep a blog elsewhere on the internet (address is through my profile) and I think it affords me a little more creativity than the journal would allow me, i.e. the ability to add photos, colours, live webcams, etc.
I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.
- Job 30:29
1123, 6536, 5321