Why do you drink?
I've been thinking about my reasons for drinking in the last few days. I've wondered why people drink, how much they drink, why people get drunk, etc.
I'm not a recreational drinker. It doesn't interest me to get out of my mind when I'm surrounded by a bunch of people. If I drink it's either alone (more on that later) or with one or two close friends. I say I drink alone, but not in the sense that I sit there on my bed with a bottle of rum and watch TV alone, generally I'm at my computer talking to people and talking on forums and the like.
When I drink, I tend to drink to get drunk. I know it's bad for me, but sometimes it just feels so good, and at this age and point in my life the after effects don't bother me. Sure, I might get sick to my stomach, but otherwise I don't feel wasted when I drag out of bed in the morning.
Why I drink, though, has been something I've wondered on. In the beginning I drank just because it was new and exciting - "Look what I can do" but lately it's evolved into something more. I've found that I tend to write a lot better after having a few glasses of rum; while it doesn't seem like it should make sense things just flow for me when I'm writing, and since I'm pretty good at touch typing I don't have to worry about typo's, so in the morning I can wake up and see a fairly coherent essay that doesn't feel mechanical. I feel like I'm writing something with a little more life in it when I'm a bit drunk at the time. Generally when I'm writing I can't get that overly corrective perfectionist out of my brain, so when I make him good and drunk I just get going and don't stop until I'm ultimately unable to clearly think near the end.
Anyway, I've always wondered why other people drink? Depression? Too party hard?
I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, "I'm going to mop the floor with your face." I said, "You'll be sorry." He said, "Oh, yeah? Why?" I said, "Well, you won't be able to get into the corners very well."
Emo Philips