Originally Posted by nezmot
Yeah, it's well known that purely deterministic laws can have non-deterministic consequences - I'm referring of course to things like the three-body problem, Lorenz strange attractors, Godel's incompleteness theory, Conway's game of life and others.
What all that boils down to is that whether the universe is 'determined' or not is immaterial, because it is impossible to predict to the level of detail required what is going to happen, before tiny (and completely unavoidable) errors balloon into orders of significance far beyond the original scope of the calculations.
The point isn't whether we can know it or not. Its an epistomological issue. If life is compulsive (regardless if our knowledge of its compulsiveness) its not free. This argument does not allow for free will.
And as for the consciousness issue, there's no documentation that consciousness is somehow detatched from the physical universe and plenty to suggest otherwise. Such as when electrical impulses hit areas of the brain it affects our consciousness. Just look at drugs and how they physically affect our consciousness.