Resurrecting an old thread rather than starting a new one...
I just had lasik done on the 23rd (2 days ago)
I needed to meet the vision requirements for the police force, so I had this done sooner rather than later (had always planned to do it eventually)
The procedure itself was a breeze! They tape one eye shut, tape the other open, then put a suction clamp over the eyeball that cuts off vision on that eye. Then a flap is cut from your cornea (you can hear a buzzsaw-like sound).. then the eye gets lasered. You smell burning flesh at that point, and see multicoloured flashes. The whole eye takes maybe 5 minutes, then it's repeated on the other eye.
No pain, just some minor irritation. You have to put anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic drops in for 4 days, and lubricating drops in for over a week.
The day after the surgery, I had an optometrist appointment to see how I was doing...
20/15 in the left eye and 20/20 in the right, and still healing
What's the nicest thing about it so far? Shaving my face this morning, and actually seeing details in the mirror!