I support the home team. They suck. But I still support them.
- The Canucks suck big. But I love their old jerseys. Oh and I supported them wen I lived in Canuckle land
- Calgary is also suck-worthy. But I was probably the only person in TO who had a Flames flag on his car during the last playoff run. And I believe that Pat Quin played the Flames way back (in Atlanta). Plus he coached the Canucks. Yes, Calgary Sucks.
- Edmonton? Don't get me started. They suck
- Winnipeg? Goddam I miss Winnipeg. Even though they sucked.
- Ottawa? the single most arrogant fans in the nation. The nations team? probably they are now. long history (admittedly broked for a bit) oh, ya, Ottawa sucks.
- Montreal, they truly suck, especially a couple of nights ago, and tonight, when they will undoubtedly thrash the beloved Leafs again.
- Quebec, I never even got to know you quebec But i did like to watch Sundin play there, and the Stastneys. But when it comes down to it, the No-dicks sucked big time.
- Toronto is the team. Le Bleu et Blanc. The reason the HNIC was created. ahh those fucking Leafs... can't live with 'em......
You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey
And I never saw someone say that before
You held my hand and we walked home the long way
You were loosening my grip on Bobby Orr