I have been thinking about this topic since I first read it. I am having a hard time distinguishing between what *I* think they think, and what they actually think.
I think my co-workers, most of them, probably see me as shy and quiet. I rarely come out of my office and I don't participate in many of the things they have here (as in parties, lunches, and other things not during working hours). I *hope* that they see me as a helpful person, that is part of my job.
My husband probably sees me as a moody person, who can ever tell what mood I will be in next.
Unfortunately, I fear that my children see me as moody also, and don't ever know how I will react to something. I am happy to say that I am working on this every day in hopes that they will not be afraid of my moods. I know they love me, they tell me all of the time.
I am wondering if these feelings are coming from me, and not them. Is this how I see myself? This is highly probable. There are many times when I don't like myself, so how can I expect others to? Again, this is something I am working on every day.
"Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles." ~Alex Karras