This is one of those games that could use a "hazardous for your health" disclaimer... I played it all night long. It's living proof that the single-player genre of RPGs is alive and well, and capable of taking on any of them new fancy-pants MMOs anyday...
Anyway, I've got quite a weak system compared to many, playing on a laptop, P4 3ghz HT, 512 memory, and a Mobility Radeon 9700... I had to turn down the detail a LOT to get it to run smoothly, but it DOES run smoothly and still looks better than just about any other game that runs on my computer, with the possible exception of F.E.A.R. Anyway, this can is definitely playable on machines that aren't beasts, that's all I'm trying to say.
I'm swimming in the digital residue of a media-drenched world. It's too cold.