George Orwell would have a field day with you guys. If I didn't think it would be pointless to try and get the most of you to put some real critical thought onto the subject, I would elaborate- but I don't have to, my views have already been expressed.
One thing I will say though: The war on terrorism isn't meant to be won- it cannot be. It's meant to do exactly what most have been doing in this thread- make you curious as to how to achieve victory without recognizing how absurd and impossible it really is, and then make you willing to take most drastic and unwise measures to try and achieve a victory.
Ergo erosion of liberties, u.s. effectively being a pseudo-democracy (and therefore a de-facto police state), and creating a "crisis of state legitimacy." This is how the terrorists win. You want to win the war on terror? Stop helping the terrorists win.
Last edited by rainheart; 03-23-2006 at 09:33 PM..