Originally Posted by BAMF
So your $59.99/mo alltel plan translate to what actual monthly amount?
My $39.99/mo Verizon = $52/mo, as mentioned. I was wondering if the $12 dollar markup was typical.
I think I am leaning to a contract now instead, but I am only going to do yearly contracts instead of 2+ years.
Thanks for all the info so far. I think it would have been too difficult for me to digest web-marketing on each site.
I'm not sure what the actual amount is. I let the company pay my bill so I'll have to really check on it for you. Sometimes you can get away without any contract and have the same pricing on the plan you just pay more for the phone you want. I did that with sprint back when I had them. Not sure if you can still do that though.
Back to the bill, I think the plan is rated at $59.99 but I pay about $65 on the actual check. My girlfriend has a $59.99 bill and only pays $59.99 but she isn't nationwide and has other limitations. I'll do some more checking for you and let you know.
As far as T-mobile goes, I'm not a fan of their phone technology at all. The Sidekick II is a piece of shit tbh.