Originally Posted by Sticky
But if you called this poll stupid, no matter how much better you could have explained yourself and no matter how much it might insult Analog that you said it in such a rude way I would certainly never think that you were saying that Analog is stupid. You were just saying the poll is stupid.
How about some analogies:
- You draw a picture and your SO comes by look and inconsideratly says, "that sucks".
Will you be upset at your SO? Probably
Will you be justified for being upset? Probably
Is your SO saying that you suck or the drawing sucks
- What id you come up with a joke and tell it to your SO and your SO says, "that's dumb"
Is your SO saying that you are dumb or that the joke is dumb?
- You attempt to make dinner and your SO tastes it and says "this is really bad"
Is your SO saying that you are bad or that the food is bad?
I think Hektore answers your question perfectly:
Originally Posted by Hektore
When you come out with a "X is stupid", If X is something that I do, my reasoning for doing something or something that I care about, what does that say about me? If I believe something for a stupid reason, or believe in something stupid or do stupid things for any reason at all doesn't that say something about me? I would say it certainly does and in a negative way. I fail to see how it can not be an insult in this sort of a fashion. I don't think "X is stupid" always translates this way, but definitely can.
I also think JinnKai has given the best response so far. Certain words have certain connotations -- rightly or wrongly -- and no matter what this poll shows, it won't change that fact. We're better off being aware of how certain words affect people rather than debating why they shouldn't.