Originally Posted by willravel
If, however, you go to class without a grudge, looking to learn, you have a better chance of getting on with your teachers just fine.
This can be so true. I had a math class where 90% of the class hated the teacher's guts by the end of the semester, they even tried to get her fired. I treated her with respect and kept an open mind from the beginning; to me she was a sweat old lady and I learned a lot of math, to the rest of the class she was a crazy bitch that they learned very little from.
An extreme case, but one that really points out the wisdom in your statement.
Oh, and JinnKai I understand your situation in this thread. It is easy to be misunderstood on the internet. As for my opinion, I think it can be a personality trait, but at the same time that trait will be tempered by youth or wisdom. I've known people with very sheep oriented minds that will probably always be that way and ditto for rebellious minds.