Originally Posted by Analog
But we're not equating immaturity to a mere "tendency" to resist authority- we're talking about the relatively automatic and self-righteously indignant show of attitudes against a perceived authority figure. That's what the whole thread is about- vehement aversion (not casual whining). Casual whining is complaining about "the man" to your friends- what we're talking about here is the show of intentional disrespect for the rules of an authority figure, simply because such rules exist, or such a person is enforcing them. Therein lies the heart of the "vehement aversion" we're really talking about here, which IS a function of an immature mind.
What about when vehement aversion is warranted? By your definition, there would be no space in society for civil disobedience, for example.
What good would it be to casually whine about the man, without really doing anything to make it better? It may not necessarily be "simply because such rules exist", but rather because of a real or perceived injustice or wrongdoing. If that is the case, then the cause behind aversion of the rules must be deduced and evaluated morally. If the reason for averting the rule is legitimate, then it may not be a sign of immaturity, but a sign of a problem which exists outside the person opposing authority figures.