well, for clarification, I don't mean that moderators should have to memorize a slew of formal and informal logical fallacies and apply them to each and every conversation. But there are at least a good dozen or so that are intentionally employed often enough to derail conversations in this section. especially the ones that explicitly or implicitly attack any member of tfp, which seems to be the primary motivation of this change in moderation.
but yeah, if people are still trotting out the more than tired response of clinton did it too, that person obviously needs to be reminded that they need to put more thought behind their response and try again. raising the discourse in tpolitics is also desired from what I'm reading. but why this is news to so many members is bizarre to me. tfp has never, as far as I can remember, been about numbers of posts but rather content and thought.
here's another list with more meat in it:
but I just googled that. probably better out there somewheres.