Hey, it fucking worked.
I'm a sea of fucking tranquility.
OK then, I'll fucking explain:
You see, it's like this fucker. A fucking ceiling track hoist system is used transport those less-fortunates who are unable to use their fucking legs for transportation purposes via a fucking track fixed to the fucking ceiling.
Hence the fucking name: Ceiling track.
My beloved client's are from fucking Iraq. In Iraq they fucking love their sliding doors, whereas us fucking Europeans have adopted the hinged door methodology.
Trouble is, you can't have a fucking ceiling track that goes through a sliding door because.....
*jwoody does a fucking acid dance*
You fucking understand?
*jwoody does the fucking power rangers power up stance*
You fucking got it yet?
*jwoody does the Adam & The Ants, Prince Charming dance*
You see what I mean?
*jwoody mimes the act of a person doing fucking crossed arm scratching on upside-down turntables*
..because it's like...
... it's not fucking possible.