Another stupid question of semantics...
Inspired by the "things to never say to your SO" thread...
It was brought up that saying "x is stupid" is somehow akin to saying "you are stupid" to an SO. I find this totally fallacious and have no idea where the idea came from. In my opinion, this is bullshit, nonsensical and illogical/irrational. It's been my experience that those who insist such a correlation exists are merely emotionally fragile/immature people who take personally some things that are not personal attacks.
It's stupid (oh no, I said the word!), irrational, and emotionally immature to insist so. Saying that "[something] is stupid", like an idea, is not at all comparable to saying the person is stupid. As with anything, if that's your SO's only response to everything, then that's a specific problem with them, and has little to do with what specific word they've chosen to degrade you- that's a totally different story altogether, and not what we're discussing.
I don't know how this leap of logic got started, but it it's utterly ridiculous- picking a specific word and saying "if you say ______ is stupid, you're saying i'm stupid" is nonsense of the highest order. Again, i'm not talking about people who seem to use it as their only answer to everything, or for those who use it abusively (and lots of words can be used to cut people down, abusively).
So what's the beef, people? Who thinks "That's stupid" is an insult to the person, calling them stupid, even though the comment isn't "you are stupid"? And what is your general take on the whole thing, anyway?