Thread: US Isolationism
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Old 03-21-2006, 09:18 PM   #33 (permalink)
Kiss of Death
Location: Perpetual wind and sorrow
I wonder how far reaching and devastating any attempt at American isolationism would be. Taiwan, or most of Asia for that matter. The Middle East? Africa, I mean sure it's shitty there now, but who knows.

Any attempt at isolationism would be a ginormous step backwards and against our interests in nearly every aspect.

Also to say that America has in the past been isolationist is largely ignorant of history. The only thing that lends to the illusion of this is boundaries and power players in the context. Sure America wasn't the shit in the 19th century, doesn't mean we weren't dicking around in Central America, parts of Asia. Even pre-WWI or at it's offset before our involvement, our trade disparities between the alliances, read billions for England/France, and somewhere around 30 million for Germany, don't tell me that political lip service equates to action.

In one of my classes focusing on American foreign policy, we spent much time talking about isolationism vrs. involvement, a lot came up about how the history of it all. America has never been "isolationist", at least not in any practical sense, it is a platform, in power politics meddling and involvement is a constant and a necessity. By review it is not hard to deduce that people by and large like the concept of isolationism, it comforts them, therefore it has, and will be exploited.
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