"What would Jesus do?"
I hear crusifiction is quite painful... so if you want me to do the right thing, ask me to do the right thing. Don't ask me to walk in the footsetps of Christ unless you KNOW I can come back to life.
"My dad could do it."
Heh. I'm sure he could. I'm not daddy. You married me, not your daddy..a fact that I'm sure our daughter will appreciate some day. Your dad is a hell of a good guy, and we get along wonderfully, but he's not the bar I should be compared to on everything.
*any shouting*
Unless I'm far away, I'm not going to appreciate a sudden rise in volume. If you're mad, say your mad (I probably already know). Don't let the neighbors hear about our taxes or how much my job sucks.
"How can you eat
Like this: *eats that*. See? All gone. I love weird food. If I want to have kitten meat with a sauce made from Egyptian dates and pepper from Peru, I'm going to have kitten meat with a sauce made from Egyptian dates and pepper from Peru. You should try it. It's delicious.
"Don't fart in church."
Alright, you win this one.
"I love Valentines day!!! Don't you?"
I shower you with as much gifts and attention as I can because I love you 365 days a year +1 on leap year. I would die for you, I live for you, and I devote my life to making you and our daughter happy. Valentines day is just another day that I love you, a day that happens to be devoted to making single people who don't want to be single consider suicide. I remember those days, so, for the sake of those single people who aren't happy being single, I won't celebrate Valentines day. Hershey's will have to survive on February 14th without me. Take solice in the fact that I worship you every day.