Originally Posted by JustJess
But we CAN reduce the numbers and make the crimes that do occur less likely to be fatal to the victims AND the perpetrators.
two things.....how is a knife, baseball bat, tire iron less fatal (especially to elderly individuals), and why should I have any sympathy or desire to be less fatal to a perpetrator intending to harm another person to commit a crime?
Originally Posted by JustJess
Here's my next question to our fine folks: if we get rid of handguns altogether - no civilian ownership, none being sold, stiff penalties for owning/making them, don't we make it more difficult to obtain them illegally as well? It's a lot harder to smuggle guns than drugs, really... so much harder to disquise them etc. If the gov't wanted to, they could cut down on the black marketing of them pretty well.
IF the government truly intended to implement a handgun ban on its citizens, they would absolutely have to triple the border patrol, put national guard on the borders (north and south), triple or quadruple the size of the coast guard to prevent illegal imports from east or west, and the ATF would have to have gestapo like powers (like they don't already) to be able to search any machine shop. You might also have to start registering all metal milling machines and monitor them on a regular basis to make sure that they aren't being used to produce handguns illegally.