Was talking to a guy friend of mine about his girlfriend who, after 3 weeks of dating, had finally given him play that weekend. That seemed rather prudish to me, and then I realized that I had hooked up with my current boyfriend of over a year before we had even started dating. I asked my boyfriend if, in his experience, my friend's girlfriend was prudish or I was just slutty. He said to me: "One of the things that first struck me about you was the fact that you knew more about giving blowjobs and your shirt came off faster than like, any other girl I'd ever been with. I'd talked to you like maybe three times before and you just ripped your shirt off for me. It was cool."
We then proceeded to have a long and adorable conversation about the first time I went down on him in the back of my car in the parking lot of a church... how timid he was, all wide-eyed, like a kid on christmas... such a beautiful memory.
Although, I do think he was just trying to find a nice way to tell me that I'm slutty.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim