My friends were driving around late one night coming back from the grocery store, car chocked full of munchies and music blaring. They approached a stop light where there was a cop waiting at a red light going the opposite direction. My friends signal to turn left and have a green light to do so, so they go ahead and make their turn. Well, apparently the cop didn't seem to think this was legal because he promptly switched on his lights and pulled them over. Bewildered, she rolls down her window to ask what the problem was.
He asks her, "You know you made a left turn back there, right?"
Confused, she replies that she did and the cop just kind of sits there looking uncomfortable. Clearly he knew he had no reason to pull them over so instead he decides to get conversational. He spies the bags of munchies and notes, "you guys having a slumber party? That's a lot of snacks."
Suddenly the music that had been put on pause started up again, volume cranked, spewing out Static-X. Hastily they shut it back off again and apologized to the cop who responded, "Ha ha, you kids have a nice night," threw up the American Sign Language sign for Love and continued, "Rock on!"
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim