Originally Posted by Ustwo
It hasn't and you haven't lost any freedoms.
Wait, I think I maybe understand what Ustwo is saying here. I think (since it's the only halfway rational interpretation I can think of) that he's saying that
dksuddeth hasn't personally lost any freedoms. Which is inaccurate, but arguable. It could be argued that since dksuddeth hasn't personally had his freedoms violated in the name of national security, he should just shut up about it.
The framers of the constitution did not intend for us to live in fear of our federal police forces. They designed safeguards specifically to protect the rights of citizens against infringement by national and local authorities. Those rights are being systematically stripped away. I'm shocked that the libertarian right aren't screaming about that. Oh, but try to regulate a business, and look at the hew and cry! Makes it pretty clear whose pockets they're in.
First they came for the toy store owners, and I did not speak out because I am not a toy store owner. Then they came for the common criminals, and I did not speak out because I am not a common criminal...