Originally Posted by doodlebird
holy cow. it seems as though there are as many different kids behaviors as there are kids...
Ain't that the truth? I have been reading up on this thread but I have yet to respond. I once belonged to a message board for new mothers and when I had problems with my children's sleep patterns (or lack thereof) I got bashed for not listening to exactly what they said to do and it is a very sore subject for me. I felt compelled to respond today, not sure why. Every child is different and every night can be different for the same child. Just when I think I have a routine for my 3 yr old son, something changes. I try to go with the flow and do whatever is right for me and my son. Don't get upset if you try something someone suggests and it does not work, go on to the next thing to try. Something will click and work for you.
I understand how hard it is when a child (of any age) has sleep issues.