Yeah, I must definitely concede that your knowledge far surpasses mine. My information was entirely anecdotal, as well.
It's interesting that you mentioned a bad phone. The reason I say this is because we originally had AT&T Wireless. We live in a high rise which causes its own problems, but we never had a problem when outside. Then, when Cingular bought them out and our service switched over, our service went downhill. We were getting our calls dropped anywhere, anytime. The irony was that Cingular placed a billboard right outside our window advertising their "Raising the Bar."
What caused us to switch service, though, and where most of my beef with Cingular originates, is when we tried to contact customer service. Each time we spoke with them, they seemed entirely unconcerned with our problems. It was the indifference with which we were treated that caused the bitterness.
Your post clarified a lot for me, though.
"I can normally tell how intelligent a man is by how stupid he thinks I am" - Cormac McCarthy, All The Pretty Horses