Weighing in on the "used for science" aspect, these display shouldn't be compared.
I think it would be interesting to see this. I'm not offended by it. But it is designed for art and profit, perhaps a bit political. That some people find it educational is a side-effect and I don't think it was part of the intent.
I had a roomate for two years that was going through physiotherapy. My wife is midway through medschool. Their cadaver teaching and labs is on the opposite side of the spectrum. Cameras are forbidden. A classmate of my wife's got kicked out for one year because he was caught allowing a non-med student access to the cadaver lab. There is a semi-formal cermony and evening where first year students meet and thank the families of those who have donated their body to science. Respect for the dead is paramount, even though there is a process of intentional desensitization.