This has been an excellent place to tap into a variety of ideas on issues. I have not done any 180's based on what I've read, but it has continued to add definition to my understanding of a variety of issues. I have never seen debate or discussion as merely a means to change others' positions or to convince people you are right. Instead, it is the best way for people to exchange ideas. We all have a lot of good ideas about how things should be, but only when we can all come together and share those ideasl, and they can be critically analyzed, questioned, and honed, do we progress as a society. TFP is just one more forum for that interchange, but (IMHO) it is a good one, and I have been pleased to be able to participate with the rest of you in it.
TFP has reinforced my belief that the right to freedom of expression wasn't guaranteed just so we could complain. It was because only when we have a free exchange of ideas are we able to truly make positive progress. Individuals may have good ideas, but great ones can only come about when the good ones can come together.