Originally Posted by xepherys
...However, the tragedy of WWII, the development of nuclear armament and the Cold War pushed the US, somewhat unwillingly, into the global foray. This has been our way now for 60-some years. During this time we've become a global power, economically, militarily and politically. We have the means and resources to be the "world police" and "world humanitarians" spreading medical and financial aid, food to the poor, and military might to weak nations worldwide. This has been a great boon for us, and has also bitten us on the ass many a time.
I disagree. I believe that following the defeat of Germany and subsequently the collapse of the USSR following the Cold War, the US was forcibly pushed into becoming the staging ground for creating a worldwide corporatocracy (popularly misconceived as 'globalization' which has the false connotation of bringing peace and stability to the world). Given the reliance on fossil fuels however, US energy policy became dependant on foreign oil. Thus, US foreign policy had to be reshaped accordingly. Thus, many sanctioned coups and military interventions ensued with various false pretexts. The US is not the "world police", it is a superpower which uses strong-arm tactics to force its way into securing resources to finish its agenda, and subtle manipulation and public perception management to influence the opinions of its populous. Ultimately I believe this is because the majority of the United States populous has failed democracy.
What would be the benefits and/or ramifications of the US becoming an isolated country again (as much as can be done in the modern world). What are the possibilities of this happening and what else would need to occur?
I belive the ramifications are simple and predictable. The United States will pop the defense spending budget and therefore pop a huge amount of control, decline as a world power and become the subject of the new superpowers that rise in succession to it. Unless a miracle happens and the hunger for dominance subsides.