My parents own about 40 acres that was an old family homestead for about 100 years. It is surrounded on three sides by National Forest land, and by another small lot and pond on the other side (another part of the homestead). There isn't anything else out there. My mother last year was outside, and two guys in green camo came up the hill with hunting rifles and packs, and scared the crap out of her. The property is well-signed, and is even fenced (to keep some of the larger wildlife OUT of the yards) but these guys ignored all that, and just stood in the driveway looking at maps, completely ignoring my mom, who was yelling at them to get out. She said she was very intimidated by these guys (I would have been too) and she felt powerless against them. It still bothers her a great deal talking about it.
Like it or not, these assholes are out there walking around and carrying guns. Most hunters I know are respectful of property lines and safety, but there are just enough assholes out there with guns to be on the defensive. The security guards at your place seem to mean well. Lots of hunters make mistakes seeing movement in the woods. Unfortunately, their misdeeds may come at a very high price to you. I say be on the defensive, and call the cops if you see trespassers or hear a shot.
less I say, smarter I am