Originally Posted by JinnKai
You forget that the DRIVER is responsible for the occupants of his car. If this were some acquaintance who decided to be a fool in my back seat, I'd let them out in an instant.
True. If you let him out on the grounds that he is a danger to the entire vehicle and to other vehicles, then that is kind of warranted.
I still think that, by universal ethics and morality, it would make sense to drive to the next exit and let him off around there, off the highway. Of course, not to fend for himself to the wolves or the thugs, probably best at an inn or something.
Originally Posted by JinnKai
I'd probably ask him two or three times to put his wang away before he got the boot. My car, my rules.. especially since I'm responsible for his actions.
And the reason I know I'd never have to decide between friendship or kicking them outta the car? None of my friends would continue to flash people or drink in my back seat after I asked them to stop.
I dunno if you can place this kind of responsibility on a drunk person. I person should never drink so they can be irresponsible, but neither should they have to be expected to be fully aware of their actions while drunk.
Perhaps the driver, if they have such a strict policy regarding passenger behavior (whose policy is warranted if based on the fear of danger to vehicle occupants and other vehicles), should never have let that particular drunk person into the car.
Perhaps the best option would be to just leave the drunk person at the location of the party, and if it is a public store, drive him to the nearest hotel and put him up using his own cash