I'm not really sure I follow. This sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory. First of all, do you have a link regarding these 400 Jews that were told not to be at the WTC on 9/11? I don't disbelieve you, but I can't find anything about it and I'm interested. As for Palestinians, I don't see that as non-news. I hear about it all the time. Isreal/Palestine has been an issue, however, for 60 or so years now (has it been longer?). So technically, it isn't "news" anymore. It's about as everyday as the existance of The Great Wall of China. So, in other words, how is this an issue? Yes, Isrealis and Palestians kill each other daily.
As for who gets bombed/killed and why would Muslims kill other Muslims? Well, first of all there are sects within Islam (just like within Judaism, though not quite to the same degree in modern times). Often, these sects will fight each other because they feel they are the true chosen of Allah and that the others are wrong. You can see this in Iraq with the Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims. You can also see this regarding Middle Eastern ethnic groups, regardless of religion. Persians look down on Arabs. Arabs look down on Kurds and Turkomen. Kurds just want to be free. Turkomen seem to just cope with things (lately at least). And then even in the Arab world there is still tribalism away from the urban centers. So... to answer you're question about why a Muslim would kill another Muslim... because they believe it's the right thing to do. I'm not sure where you are from since you have no location in your profile, but remember, there are a LOT of cultural influences that will drive one to madness. Look at Nazi Germany or WWII-era Japan. Do you think most people just wake up and say "I wanna roast Jews today!" or "I think dying in a firey ball for the Emporer sounds grand!" Not exactly... it takes a lot of effort to make MOST people feel that way, but it can be done. In the Middle East it's thousands upon thousands of years of culturalism, religion and tribalism that most "westerners" don't really understand very well.
Well, anyway, that may have drifted slightly off topic and I apologize... I just don't see much concrete in nano's post. :-/