Thread: US Isolationism
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Old 03-16-2006, 11:43 AM   #7 (permalink)
joshbaumgartner's Avatar
A very interesting question xepherys, and it probably would take a lot more than a post to answer well.

Since its end of isolation at the dawn of WWII, the US has indeed stepped into more and more of a global role. Our economy and our international relations have become more and more dependent on this role as well. To retract to an isolationalist position would necessarily mean some big changes in those areas.

Isolationism is successful for a number of countries, but it relies on a few factors, including respect for the nation's existance by the world powers of the time, a fierce self-defense posture, a generally self-reliant and balanced economy, and an abandonment of any real bid for world power status. Switzerland and Sweden are good examples.

The US already has world power status, is it even possible for us to 'go isolationist'? I would assume that to mean a withdrawl of the military to our borders, and a return to exclusively bi-lateral trade and diplomatic arrangements with other countries (withdrawl from NATO and the like). Participation or observation in bodies like the UN might remain but we would not accept obligations such as troop deployments or meddling in internal affairs. Certain questions would arise...

1) Could the US withdraw its military without compromising the immediate stability of the world community? I.E. would North Korean invasion of S. Korea and other such situations become imminent if we pulled out?

2) Would the US be able to remain a significant player in the world economy (a necessity to retaining its economic well-being) if it were to withdraw from being a strong power militarily and diplomatically in the world?

3) Would the US be more or less capable of meeting active, developing, and future threats to its security if limited to US deployment?

4) Would threats to the US decrease given its decreased global signature (withdrawal making it much less of a target).

5) Who would step up to fill the vacuum the US leaves (Europe? China?), and would the US be content to allow the path of world events to be driving by other world powers?

Realistically, I don't see it ever happening. Even if it was a good thing to do, those in power wouldn't be able to resist using the strength of our country to insert themselves in situations beyond our borders. Liberals in general will always seek a dynamic foreign policy of engagement, and conservatives may talk about isolation, but in the end they too will actively serve their own goals by throwing around the weight of America on the world stage. And neo-cons, well of course they are blatantly imperialistic, so of course you won't have it happen with them either.

But it is still fun to ponder...
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