Computer tech support really does bring out the dumb in people. I was working as a service department manager at a small OEM about 10 years ago. One of the computers we had custom-built for a client and sent out the day before was on it's way back because it was "acting strange and not saving files right". I was on lunch in the breakroom when the salesman let me know the customer had dropped the computer off on the service counter and would be back shortly. When I went to the service department, the WHOLE (and I mean whole) of the outer case was covered in magents, ranging from silly saying magnets to pictures being held on by "super strength" magnets. I wiped the machine, put the magnets in a box and left it up to the sales guy to explain what the problem was.
In my EDS days, I was once called out for an issue with a laser printer. The "issue" was that it was infested with cockroaches. I politely explained that this was not part of my job responsibilities and that she'd need to call maintenance.
The down side of those "time saving" question like the locked phone and is it plugged in is that those of us who ARE technically inclined have to waste a LOT of time when we have a real problem. I think there should be some aptitude test... a successful evaluation gives you direct numbers to Tier 2 support for all of your pertinent companies.