Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Nations have done this very thing throughout the history of the world. If it came down to the US dying a slow and agonizing death with the start of the economy or survival by military action, what do you choose?
History has little to do with it. Two wrongs don't make a right.
In the end, the US cannot talk from both sides of it's mouth at once. It's just ridiculous to go around preaching "free market" and "democracy" while at the same time setting an example to the opposite...
Using your superior military to secure a shipping lane is one thing, using it to force sovreign nation's to continue using your currency to trade in oil is an entirely different matter.
So if I am reading this correctly, the US could force those who don't want to play by their rules to do so... What's to stop the world from taking it's ball and finding someone else to play with... like that nice Chinese boy who just moved in down the block? The US may be able to bully it's way to the top for a while but most bullies get what coming to them.