Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Host, would you rather see the US degenerate in to a 3rd world country because the american people refused to compete with other nations or would you support military intervention to keep the US economically sound?
Are you actually suggesting that the US use its military as a bludgeon to provide an unfair advantage on the global marketplace?
While there is certainly precident for this (America using its military to "protect" its interests) the actions and wars are usually couched in terms that make them palatable to the US populace (i.e. Freedom, Spreading Democracy, stopping Communism, etc.).
What seems to be happening here is a little too blatant for the majority to swallow. Has America so weakened itself with its "war on terror" that it has to resort to these sort of actions?
Please correct me if I am misreading Host's intent with this thread.