Originally Posted by mexicanonabike
do you really need to have more ppl on your list? what can you talk about that you can't talk to here? i personaly only have 5ppl on my list and that's plenty. on my msn, i have 10. any more and it's just chaos.
I dunno... sometimes it's just nice to chat about nothing with people you know from the forums...
There are already spaces for Yahoo, MSN, ICQ, and AIM... I don't see why we can't have another for Google Talk if people want to use it...
Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
Google works great (so far they havent blocked it lol) its not fancy but I like it....
That's exactly why I like it too... it's design philosophy is very utilitarian... plus, it might be nice to voice chat with some of the TFPers from time to time...