I see two problems with "male reproductive rights."
1. What about pregnancy that occured as the result of involuntary sexual contact? Involuntary would mean rape, date rape, incest (abuse of authority), and statutory rape (minors can not give consent). If a man forces himself on a woman, and she conceives and gives birth, that man should be responsible for support but have no parental rights. No woman should have to put up with her rapist having rights to her child, even if he is the biological father.
2. Abortion can be a risky procedure with a long term impact on a woman's reproductive health. Should a man be able to force a woman to have an abortion she doesn't want because of a pregnancy he doesn't want? To be fair to the OP, I don't see how you can have the one and not the other, but I am very uncomfortable with the idea that it could work out that way.
No answers here, just questions...
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