Originally Posted by Nimetic
The word of a single optometrist carries about as much weight as the diet information published in this mag (MensHealth) - something that mainly seems to sell to women in AU. Gah.
You know... I'm short sighted. I spent my first three years of uni doing almost no study. Zip. ...and a couple of hours of exercise a day. Weights, swimming and a couple of martial arts.
My eyesight deteriorated.
Flexing the biceps and but does absolutely nothing to fix eyesight.
Yeah that is misleading. She forgot to mention the part where you need to have 20/20 vision in the first place. Someone with 20/400 is not going to "flex" their way to 20/20. She should have just said, "Staring at a monitor for too long will tire your eyes out and your vision will temporarily worsen. To fix this, relax your eyes."