I would think the friends have an obligation to identify that their friend is obviously too drunk to take care of himself and make sure he arrives home safely. Otherwise they're not really friends--or at least not very good ones.
You're assuming they're really good friends, I think. As a responsible DRIVER, I don't feel like getting pulled over and ticketed for indecent exposure, drunk and disorderly, public nudity, open container in a vehicle, or any of the other charges that the cops decided to lay on me. You forget that the DRIVER is responsible for the occupants of his car. If this were some acquaintance who decided to be a fool in my back seat, I'd let them out in an instant. I'd probably ask him two or three times to put his wang away before he got the boot. My car, my rules.. especially since I'm responsible for his actions.
And the reason I know I'd never have to decide between friendship or kicking them outta the car? None of my
friends would continue to flash people or drink in my back seat after I asked them to stop.