Also, in your eagerness to refute my individual points, you may have missed that we came to the same conclusion: the man should take responsibility for the child he fathered. I'm certainly not going to argue the point I've been making all along.
And my point is that it is absurd to allow a woman to cancel a (planned) pregnancy without the man's consent. Which is why I replied to your statement that seemed to say as much. The bigger picture and all, you know.
you're arguing something that isn't really being discussed. how often do you really think a woman purposely aborts a planned pregnancy? i'd bet that it's near zero (not including health reasons). people don't abort planned pregnancies. they abort accidental ones. and if it's an agreement to have it, then it wasn't an accident.
Well, I felt like discussing it. Lots of things are being discussed here.
if you think abortions from people being irresponsible is ridiculous, do you really think that those people are gonna be responsible enough to raise a child?
Not in this crybaby, woe-is-me society. Why take responsibility for your actions when someone else will do it for you?
Look, an abortion is not a speeding ticket. And neither is VD (someone compared them earlier). When you put your penis in someone (or let someone put it in you), then you are opening that door. So do it right or don't do it.
Getting in a car does not cause speeding. Putting your penis in someone does cause pregnancy.
Just sayin'.
Regarding the specific topic of the thread, the OP, this guy should have no say in anything unless it is in support of the child and mother. If he doesn't want to be a father then he shouldn't have become one. There shouldn't be such easy outs for people for something of this magnitude.