Originally Posted by Seaver
Right, your argument is the woman has the right to choose because she's a woman, the man has no choice because he's a man.
Makes as much sense as whites can use the good fountain because they're white.
no. the argument is that because she's a woman, and she has to put up with morning sickness, with getting fat (and all of the financial costs associated like clothes, food, etc), possible high blood caused by the pregnancy, not being able to drink or smoke (if she wanted to). because her body is being hijacked (if it's an unwanted pregnancy) by a clump of cells. because her health and well-being may be compromised. because until she gives birth, the pregnancy affects only her.
the man doesn't have the right to choose because he doesn't own the woman, he can't tell her what she should do with her body. he can't tell her not to drink or smoke. he can't tell her to give up nine months of her life because of what he wants.
no, that's not the same as whites can only use the fountain because they're white.