Originally Posted by Seaver
The problem is the father has no say in the abortion decision. This is the cornerstone of the problem. The woman has a backdoor out of said responsibility with no say of the other, her future is her decision. The man simply has to accept whatever her decision is, his future be damned.
If a man were allowed to 'abort' his part of the parenthood during the same window the female has the option to do so, would that satisfy this matter?
What I would propose is that during the first portion of the pregnancy, when a woman would normally be free under the law to pursue an 'at will' abortion (i.e. no rape/health/etc. factors), a man would likewise have the option to 'abort' fatherhood in a legal sense, absolving him of future legal liabilities (and privledges) in relation to that child. If a man pursued this and the woman chose to continue the birth, it would be solely her responsibility to raise the child. Naturally, if he did this he would also be declining any rights to future involvement with the kid as well.
This would eliminate the argument that abortion allows a woman an 'out' from responsibilities of parenthood that is not available to a man.